As promised, there are two big changes happening to the blog in 2022.
First, I’m starting a separate blog specifically on climate change topics. There will be a full post on that next week, after a few important details (like the blog name) are settled.
Second, I’m starting a “paid subscriptions” option. I’m going to try a few different types of posts that are subscriber only.
Posts where I am talking about my personal history and knowledge of a public figure. The first of these posts is about Andrew Yang.
Posts about the nature of classification (or censorship) schemas. This is easier to discuss in the presence of a classification schema. In other words, content about TOP SECRET content.
Posts about material that is esoteric in nature. For example, content along the lines of:
The launch price is $7 per month or $72 per year. However, for the month of January, all annual subscriptions come with a permanent 75% discount. If you’re a Substack contributor or otherwise want a free subscription, please ask by email.